Solar Land Leases

Do you own 20+ acres of land or a large rooftop space? Leasing your property for a community solar farm gives you the benefits of bringing solar to your community, all while generating yearly revenue.

Predictable, Reliable Income

Leasing your land (or rooftop space) can provide predictable income for years. By receiving consistent monthly payments over the life of your lease, you can ensure your property remains an asset for generations.

No Maintenance Required

REC Solar manages the entire land leasing process, including all construction, installation, ownership, maintenance and operations. And because solar has minimal interference on your land, you can remain focused on all regular operations and income-producing activities.

Supporting Clean Energy

Leasing property will help your community cut costs on their energy bills, reduce carbon emissions and support the growth of clean, renewable energy. That makes your land or property lease a cornerstone for a cleaner energy future for your community.

Interested in leasing your land or rooftop for community solar? Let's chat!

We are actively seeking properties for potential community solar development. Please complete the form, and our team will contact you soon.